Youth Mobilization Newsletter June 2014


1. The Youth Mobilization team had a wonderful time at our Planning and Team Building retreat last June 2nd. This planning was for I-Bike and the Youth Center for the second half of the year. It went well and we all feel rejuvenated as we had time reflecting on God’s faithfulness in our personal lives and in our work.

During this Planning and Team Building retreat, the I-Bike teachers gave a demo on how they could improve their teaching and how they can add some exciting ways to encourage their students to learn. The Youth Center workers planned to find ways on how they can be more effective in connecting with young people and getting them interested to join activities. Our aim is to empower youth by guiding, leading and mentoring them to be a productive part of their families and communities.

If you would like to know more about the Youth Center, you may send an email to

2. I-Bike starts again with the school year this June. Last week in our enrolment for new students for the year, we had 32 kids come in to have themselves enrolled together with their parents. These kids come from three different communities.

We are excited to teach them and have time with them starting this week. We can say this year will be a fruitful year for our teachers, students and parents. We are ready and set to empower these children.

3. The YM Team is desiring to be more effective leaders.

Raymond went back to school this year. He is taking up an Education course in college so he can be more effective in teaching kids in I-Bike. He is thankful that everything he needs for his school for this semester was provided. Lerma and Mackie are now reading and answering modules for their Equivalency Examination on October. Also, they are writing essays as their reflection for each module.

4. Russ Cline led a seminar about Support Raising to the YM team.

We are privilege to hear and learn from Russ about Support Raising. He does various fund raising drives in Extreme Response and he shared those ideas and principles with the YM Team. The team was empowered and learned a lot from Russ and we are starting to apply it in raising support for our personal needs and ministry needs. This seminar gave ideas and principles that are applicable in our lives. Thanks to Russ!

5. Ron and Barb Cline led a seminar about Leadership.

After Russ, his mom and dad – Ron and Barb – led a seminar about Leadership to the team. It was a great day of learning from this couple who have years of experience of empowering leaders throughout the world. The team learned many things from this seminar and empowered to work as a team in bringing change in the lives of people.

6. Coaching Group with Extreme Response and their partners in Philippines.
Mackie and leaders from partner organization of Extreme Response joined together for a coaching group. This coaching group aims to hear from each one, learn from shared experiences and help each one to be more effective leaders. Mackie is happy that he has a community of leaders where he can share what he is experiencing as a leader and is looking forward to learning a lot from leaders who have been in their organization for years. This is a great way for him to excel in leading a team because this will be a venue of mentoring and coaching for all Extreme Response partner leaders. This coaching group will meet every month starting this month.

We are thankful to God:
1. For the training we had with Russ. Support Raising is a special part of what we are doing and Russ helped us a lot in sharing his experiences in this aspect.
2. For the Leadership training we had with Ron and Barb. Some of the teaching materials we are using in our youth training came from Ron. That is why it is such a privilege to see them and to hear directly from them.
3. For the provision of funds for I-Bike’s needs. These funds were used to make students’ manuals and food each class. Also, we are thankful for providing the needs for Raymond’s schooling.

Please pray with us for:
1. Please pray with us for churches to get interested in acquiring training that YM offers. YM is connecting to different churches and offering trainings for their youth and children’s ministry leaders. Please pray that churches will open their doors to us and work with us in training their leaders.
2. Please pray with us for provisions for Youth Center activities. The plans for the Youth Center are set for the second half of the year. And this plan needs funds to run. We will do activities to raise funds, please pray God will use these activities to touch the hearts of people to help out and support our vision.
3. Please pray with us for God’s leading and direction for both I-Bike and the Youth Center. These ministries aim to change people’s lives. Please pray that God will use these ministries to bring change and create long lasting impacts to people.


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