Youth Mobilization Newsletter June 2014
Updates: 1. The Youth Mobilization team had a wonderful time at our Planning and Team Building retreat last June 2 nd . This planning was for I-Bike and the Youth Center for the second half of the year. It went well and we all feel rejuvenated as we had time reflecting on God’s faithfulness in our personal lives and in our work. During this Planning and Team Building retreat, the I-Bike teachers gave a demo on how they could improve their teaching and how they can add some exciting ways to encourage their students to learn. The Youth Center workers planned to find ways on how they can be more effective in connecting with young people and getting them interested to join activities. Our aim is to empower youth by guiding, leading and mentoring them to be a productive part of their families and communities. If you would like to know more about the Youth Center , you may send an email to 2. I-Bike starts again with the school year this June...